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In a speech, Padilha admits ‘exchange-swap’ on charges

Chief Cabinet Minister says federal government swaps appointments to important positions on the Esplanade for record support in the National Congress

The Chief of Staff, Eliseu Padilha (PMDB) , admitted that the federal government exchanges nominations for important positions on the Esplanade for political support in the National Congress. The statements were made in a speech that the minister, one of the closest to President Michel Temer , held in the Federal Savings Bank. The information is from this Tuesday’s edition of the newspaper  O Estado de S. Paulo .
To exemplify his point to those present, Eliseu Padilha quoted the Minister of Health, Ricardo Barros (PP) . During the assembly period of his government, Temer said he wanted to set up a ministry of “notables” and considered, for Health, the name of the renowned surgeon Raul Cutait. To confirm the appointment, the president wanted the PP to embrace the surgeon’s choice as his appointment. Did not work.
In the speech, still according to the newspaper, Padilha told those present that he told a party representative “the health is yours, but we would like to have a remarkable”, to which he heard in response “tells the president that our remarkable is The deputy Ricardo Barros “. In the next dialogue, he asked whether the caption guaranteed “all party votes” in favor of the government. Faced with the positive return, he said: “Then Ricardo will be the remarkable”.

Record support

The objective of the exchanges, according to the head of the Civil House, would be to obtain a record support in the National Congress . “There is not in the history of Brazil a government that has achieved 88% of the Congress. That Vargas did not have, JK did not have it, FHC did not have it, Lula did not have it, only we got it, “Padilha boasted.
Last Saturday, the online Radar column said that the government would like to replace the “remarkable” PP. Since August, when the minister has been embroiled in a controversy saying that men are less looking for the doctor because they “work harder” , the column, published on the VEJA website, informs that the head of Health is discredited with the government . The party, however, continues to support it.

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