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The key to a successful services engagement is a complete scope definition with all activities and deliverables clearly defined. Our service packages, such as the Jumpstart Programs, outline the typical activities involved in enabling development teams on the Jaspersoft BI platform. To further refine the scope, in order to guarantee that all customer expectations are met, we follow this streamlined but effective process:
  • An initial discovery call (prior to purchase) to identify specific topics, activities and deliverables that will be covered in the service engagement. Jaspersoft may request additional requirements for review. This initial scope is distributed and validated by customer and Jaspersoft services delivery team. We also capture and document platform and high level logistics (location & desired schedule).
  • A project planning call (post purchase) to validate initial scope, lock down a schedule, high level logistics and a consulting resource.
  • A kick-off call (pre-project) is conducted between customer’s key players (e.g. business sponsor, business analyst, technical lead, project manager, DBA), Jaspersoft Professional Services and the assigned consultant. The team reviews and refines the scope, and details specific tasks, deliverables and an agenda for the engagement. Logistics are finalized. This project plan is distributed and validated by the customer and Jaspersoft services delivery team.
  • One or more status calls are conducted, as needed, between Jaspersoft PS, the assigned consultant and the customer’s project team (including original business sponsor and other involved people) to a ssess the progress of the project against plan.
  • An optional wrap-up call (optional as project wrap-up will be documented) can be held by the project team to assess final project status and/or next steps.
Adhering to this established process generally yields a successful engagement. Sometimes, however, the project team discovers new requirements or challenges that might require additional time, and the scope increases. Jaspersoft will evaluate the desired changes, estimates the effort to manage the increased scope and may propose additional time via a formal change order.

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