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Brazil is the country where Salesforce most grew in the world

The Brazilian operation of Salesforce was the one that grew the most last year compared to all other countries, even with Brazil going through economic and political crises, revealed the president of the Brazilian subsidiary, Mauricio Prado. For him, the crisis created an accelerator for the company’s business here, as companies prioritized improving interaction with their customers.
Worldwide, the company, founded in 1999 and one of the pioneers in delivering software in the cloud, plans to double in size over the next three years, reaching $ 20 billion in revenue. The company closed fiscal year 2017, ending January 31 this year with $ 8.39 billion and expects to reach $ 10 billion in the next period.
The backdrop to optimistic growth projection is the fourth industrial revolution, Which aggregates technologies such as cloud computing, media and social networks, mobility, internet of things and artificial intelligence. “The consumer has brutal power in the hands and this creates a huge challenge for companies,” he said during his presentation at the opening of the Salesforce World Tour, held on Wednesday 17/5 in São Paulo.
In the age when customer experience prevails, Salesforce is betting that changing the customer relationship system (CRM), in order to have a single view and with all the integrated channels, is the basis of the Transformation of enterprises. “We are the protagonists of digital transformation and in many cases we have led this movement in some industries,” Prado said.
In this sense, Eduardo Campos, Vice president of solutions engineering at Salesforce, said five business software transformations: intelligence, speed, productivity, mobility, and connectivity. Smarter CRM relies on artificial intelligence and the future of productivity includes conversational documents, mobility, e-mail collaboration, and online and offline teamwork, the VP explained.
Overcoming crises
The years of crises have boosted Salesforce’s business, company CEO Mauricio Prado said. He explained that between 2008 and 2009, that is, period of the global financial crisis, the company has changed in size, increasing in size. “Companies need to do better and faster,” he says.
In Brazil, Salesforce has been with a local office for three years – before it was only via partners or customers who were directly involved in the company in the United States. In calendar year 2016, the subsidiary recorded the highest growth among all of the company’s worldwide operations. “Companies are thinking about how to sell more with less resources and how to get more out of the resources they have, and every time they interact with customers, they need to be more accurate,” Prado explained.
The Brazilian operation is expected to surpass the 2016 numbers in calendar year 2017 (fiscal 2018). “The economic moment is better and the digital transformation is on the agenda of companies,” says Prado. The subsidiary recorded the highest growth among all of the company’s worldwide operations. “Companies are thinking about how to sell more with less resources and how to get more out of the resources they have, and every time they interact with customers, they need to be more accurate,” Prado explained. The Brazilian operation is expected to surpass the 2016 numbers in calendar year 2017 (fiscal 2018). “The economic moment is better and the digital transformation is on the agenda of companies,” says Prado. The subsidiary recorded the highest growth among all of the company’s worldwide operations. “Companies are thinking about how to sell more with less resources and how to get more out of the resources they have, and every time they interact with customers, they need to be more accurate,” Prado explained. The Brazilian operation is expected to surpass the 2016 numbers in calendar year 2017 (fiscal 2018). “The economic moment is better and the digital transformation is on the agenda of companies,” says Prado. The Brazilian operation is expected to surpass the 2016 numbers in calendar year 2017 (fiscal 2018). “The economic moment is better and the digital transformation is on the agenda of companies,” says Prado. The Brazilian operation is expected to surpass the 2016 numbers in calendar year 2017 (fiscal 2018). “The economic moment is better and the digital transformation is on the agenda of companies,” says Prado.

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