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Islamic State assumes responsibility for attacking Christians in Egypt

Gunmen invaded the vehicle and killed at least 29 people, according to the country’s authorities.

The Islamic State (EI) said on Saturday that a team of armed men from the terrorist group carried out the attack on a bus full of Coptic Christian pilgrims on Friday, which Egyptian officials said had killed 29 people.
The Amaq , the media arm of EI, said a team of “security” of gunmen from the terrorist group attacked the bus specifically because of his Coptic occupants, according to the SITE Intel Group, which monitors extremist activity online.
The attack prompted Egyptian President Abdel Fattah Al Sisi to launch air strikes on areas that the Egyptian military said were militant training camps in Derna, eastern Libya.
Sisi said the armed men trained and planned the attack on the Libyan camps, but provided no evidence of the claim. The Islamic State has not registered in Derna since the end of 2015.

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